Purchasing a new house is a big life decision. Potential buyers understand they have to be sure their new dream house has a solid foundation. But most people forget to schedule a roof inspection — a surprise, considering how vital roofs are to safeguard a home.
According to research, roof defects are the most common issue reported by home inspectors. You can’t just rely on a home inspection. A certified roof inspector will be way more thorough and will be capable of alerting you about huge upcoming expenses.
DIY Residential Roof Inspection
You can begin to have an inkling of the state of the roof the minute you go to see a potential house. Look for dry rot, missing or damaged shingles on the roof, and the condition of the gutters.
Can you see significant issues from the ground? Then you know there will probably be costly repairs necessary in the new future. Don’t have the money to buy the home and fix the roof? Then you know that this house is not for you.
You should be aware that the roofs of the homes you view will have some amount of wear and tear. Houses on the market won’t typically have a new roof unless they have recently built.
A Bad Roof Inspection: Do I Buy the Home?
With a roof inspection, you get a detailed report on your roof. The information will aid you in determining if your home purchase corresponds with your budget and personal goals. If the home you adore does require roof repairs, then do some homework to better understand the financial impact now and down the road.
If the roof necessitates some huge repairs upfront, you might wonder whose responsibility is it to pay for them. Usually, roof repairs can be negotiable and depend on how deep in the home buying process you are. Also, it depends on whether your initial offer is contingent on your agreement on the inspection results.
Reach out to Amherst Roofing and let our certified roof professionals help you through the buying process. This way, you can rest assured that there will be no roof-related surprises when you move into your new home. You can sleep at night, realizing that you have a durable roof over your head.
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